Valentine Puzenat studies marine geosciences at the Institut de physique du plobe de Paris. She relies mainly on data acquired by underwater vehicles (maps, images, videos, temperature measurements, rock samples, etc.) to characterise the structure of the ocean floor in different areas. On board, she is mainly in charge of the sensors that allow to measure very precisely the temperature of the hydrothermal sites identified on the Rainbow massif. Arc en Sub is her third mission on board the oceanographic vessel Pourquoi Pas ? “I love sailing and discovering the hidden secrets of the oceans. I feel very lucky to have these opportunities to go on board and explore little-known areas of the deep!”

Milena Marjanović is a CNRS researcher at the Institut de physique du plobe de Paris since 2021. Her research tackles past and present melt distribution along mid-ocean ridges and related phenomena such as crustal accretion and hydrothermal circulation. She also develops and applies advanced geophysical techniques to address the architecture and dynamics of magma bodies. Milena has already participated in six research cruises in the Atlantic and Pacific oceans. Arc-en-sub is her seventh cruise. She is working on the Ocean Bottom Seismometers data collection. The analyses of these data will help the team to unravel the characteristic of the oceanic crust and the potential presence of magma bodies.

Benoît Ildefonse has been a researcher at the CNRS in Montpellier for 30 years. He works on the formation and evolution of the oceanic crust, through the petrological, petrophysical and microstructural study of the rocks that make it up. As a member of the Arc en Sub team of “cailloutologues”, he is participating in his sixth mission on a ship of the French Oceanographic Fleet. He has been involved in international scientific drilling programmes since 1997 (iODP – International Ocean Discovery Program). Benoît has participated in six international drilling expeditions on ocean ridges.